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AdStorm Ltd, Langton and Moat House, Bird Street, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 6PY

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Download NowAnalyse your own marketing – and identify where the greatest opportunities for boosting your organisation’s profit and growth are to be found – with this simple, 15 minute tool.

B2B Marketing Opportunity IdentifierFrom planning, positioning and messaging to campaigns, pipeline management, measurement and feedback, you rate every aspect of your marketing with a simple scoring system that measures where you have most to gain.

Of course no online tool can substitute your own skilful scrutiny, so this tool comprises a comprehensive checklist and a thought-provoking framework to help you structure your own analysis.




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AdStorm Limited | 2nd Floor | Langton and Moat House | Bird Street | Lichfield | Staffordshire | WS13 6PY | T: 08456 444 567 | E: