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Our Client:

Founded in 1975, Lawson is a leading provider of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software and solutions with headquarters in Minnesota, USA and offices in Europe and Asia.

Lawson believes that simpler is better and is driven by providing industry specific solutions that help make customers’ businesses more efficient, empowering them to be stronger.

Today Lawson serves more than 4,500 customers – ranging from SMEs to Fortune 500 global organisations – across 68 countries.

Marketing Challenge:

Lawson needed an impactful and innovative way to communicate specifically to the heavy equipment dealer market how its software and services are geared at supporting the entire equipment lifecycle.

Project objectives:

The objective of the campaign was to engage with, sustain interest with and build knowledge within the target audience of heavy equipment dealers over a period of several months in order to educate, stimulate interest and generate new business leads.

The marketing medium and creative concept needed to be on brand, memorable and offer enough scope and flexibility to relay a series of stage-by-stage messaging that would amount to the Lawson value proposition.

“I engaged with AdStorm to develop and deliver a campaign to communicate to our target audience how Lawson supports the equipment lifecycle,” says Suzanne Benn, Lawson Marketing Manager. “In what has been a long term project, AdStorm has been involved at every stage and shown commitment throughout.”

Adstorm’s Solution:

“AdStorm came up with a character called ‘Digby’ and a media-rich marketing strategy to help Lawson convey its experience and capabilities within this sector,” says AdStorm Director, Rob Frost.

“We felt that heavy equipment dealers would immediately identify with and see the humour in a cartoon piece of heavy equipment machinery. ‘Digby’ provided the ideal vehicle for demonstrating Lawson’s in-depth knowledge of the industry and simple, yet highly effective software solutions that address the specific business needs of heavy equipment dealers.”

“We worked well together to develop the concept of ‘Digby’, through which we have been able to tell the story of how Lawson supports every stage of the lifecycle in a fun and creative but simple way,” agrees Suzanne.

AdStorm was pivotal in creating and executing the Equipment Lifecycle campaign, utilising a variety of media to maximise impact and retain recipient interest.

“The campaign has consisted of several elements including e-shots, direct mail – containing personalised letters – web banners and hyper-sites, ” says Suzanne. “Thanks to AdStorm, the overall campaign has a very integrated look and feel and also has longevity.”


Lawson Marketing Director, Julian Archer considers the effect of this campaign to be “very strong, both internally and externally.’

“As a marketing team we have specific goals – essentially we need to generate leads and be remembered,” he explains.

“We also have to be able to justify ourselves to internal customers. The Equipment Lifecycle Campaign was very special – the graphics are superb; second to none. It’s a clever way of delivering a message via a concept that has proved adaptable, flexible and memorable. People are still using the graphics from this campaign as tools today.”

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